The Stone Tables Picnic Area
Stone Tables Area History and Update

Ribbon Cutting for the Stone Tables Picnic Area, August 2021
Stone Tables Area Renovation Is Almost Complete
We've completed two of three phases of the Stone Tables project! This project has brought beautification and restoration to a much used area of White Rock Lake Park. The final phase is the clean up of the lily pond, which helps with drainage of the area, the historic stone bridge and beautification of the area. The Dallas Park Department and WRLC are currently in the design phase of this project.The Stone Tables Pavilion and Picnic Area serves tens of thousands of Dallas area residents a year.
One of the most popular open air rental facilities for the City of Dallas, the playground, pavilion and picnic tables serve as a meeting place for local running groups, youth birthday parties, reunions, holiday celebrations and much more. One of a handful of melting pots, White Rock Lake is as an idyllic and free place to socialize. Hispanic, African American, Anglo and other ethnic populations of Dallas ranging in ages from 0 to 100+ enjoy the amazing view and outdoor spaces at the Stone Tables Pavilion and Picnic area.In 2012, the Board of Directors of the White Rock Lake Conservancy agreed to take on the renovation and restoration of the historic and very popular Stone Tables Pavilion and Picnic area for the Parks and Recreation Department as identified in the Top 10 projects. Volunteer architects and planners developed a renovation plan and worked with the City of Dallas to fulfill this goal.

The final phase of the project includes restoration of the lily pond to help with drainage in the area, restoring the historic stone bridge and adding an ADA pathway connecting the restored restroom to the playground and tables area. The Conservancy is currently working to raise the funds for this final phase, which has naming right opportunities. If you are interested in this project, please contact White Rock Lake Conservancy Director, Jennifer Hoesterey,

1930s original drawing of lily pond

Stone tables were rebuilt using new and old materials from the original tables.

Restored tables, grill, trash enclosure and lighting at the Stone Table Picnic Area.

Current state of lily pond
In 2017, the Conservancy gave the City of Dallas $15,000 for the Park & Recreation department to restore two of the original stone tables which gave us a better idea of the cost and scope of renovation of each table and lead to an updated landscape plan for the area, done pro bono by MESA Design
Today the Conservancy continues to work with the City of Dallas Park & Rec Department to finish the restoration project of the entire area. Funds have been raised and construction completed for the restoration of the stone tables and the surrounding grounds with new grills, stone trash enclosures and improved drainage to the area. The materials from the old tables were sorted and everything that is usable was salvaged and used in recreating the new tables. The materials used to make the original benches were everything from stone and granite to marble remnants and was different at each table. The contractor hired for the project is very familiar with historic preservation and much discussion and thought went into how to best restore these benches and tables within a realistic budget.
The men of the CCC also built a restroom facility with craftsmanship like we don’t often see in public areas. Artist Henry Potter of Potter Art Metal Studios designed natural scenes for the windows in the building, these were cleaned and covered with rust free paint to match the original paint color put on in the 1930s. The stone structure has been repurposed as single use ADA accessible comfort station for park patrons. The wood soffit boards were replaced along with the mortar and masonry in some areas of the structure. In addition to restoring the building two ADA parking spots were added close to the restroom with an ADA pathway to the building. The only ADA accessible restroom in the park!
The 2017 bond match of $250,000 plus $12,000 from the Conservancy covered the cost of the renovation of the historic restroom, new ADA parking, ADA path to the restroom and new lighting. Construction on the restroom is complete and it is open daily for park patrons.

Restored comfort station.
Support This Project
This project will bring beautification and restoration to a much used area of White Rock Lake Park. Please help us preserve this historic area in White Rock Lake Park by donating today.
Pave the Way
Our Pave the Way campaign provides an opportunity for individuals, families, corporations and organizations to support the lake while creating a lasting legacy on pavers that will permanently fill the plaza at the spillway. We are now in Phase IV. Bricks are laid once or twice a year but we can notify the recipient at any time if a gift has been given in their name.
Key Accomplishments
Celebration White Rock
Celebration White Rock is a 5k/10K race and block party benefiting White Rock Lake. Celebration White Rock brings together runners and lake-lovers from across Dallas and beyond for a fun evening of food, music, competition and celebration! To date, Celebration White Rock has raised over $400,000, all of which goes toward supporting our mission. Mark your calendars for April 20, 2022 for the next event!
WRLC Supports Dallas Police
In partnership with a local couple with a special connection to the lake, The Conservancy was proud to donate eight bicycles and riding gear to the Dallas Police Bicycle Unit.
2011 White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration
WRLC organized 5 events and managed the infrastructure for the White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration raising over $1million in in-kind and outright gifts for the Lake
Our Mission
White Rock Lake Conservancy is the only Public Private Partnership supporting the Dallas Parks System by giving time and raising money to support White Rock Lake and the execution of the city’s master plan for the park.
Our Partners
White Rock Lake Conservancy is just one of many organizations working to keep White Rock Lake beautiful, safe, and accessible to our community. Explore who else is looking out for the lake.